Our Services

Chiropractic Body Work

Each customized body work session will be different. Dr. Diana Salazar can work on multiple layers of your body. Whether it’s muscle, fascia, joints or emotional stress, depending on what your body needs that day Dr Diana Salazar will blend tools such as: Chiropractic, Active Release Technique, Reiki all to decrease physical musculoskeletal tension and encourage your healing capacity. Session: $140

Mindful Postural Training

Feel like you don’t know what posture exercises to do?

Let’s have fun while moving! Through a detailed 30 min session you will learn exercises that are foundational to your health. We will always start with a posture analysis and movement testing to ensure you learn the exercises that are the most efficient for stability and strength where you need it most. Each session will be recorded in order for you to continue to do them with confidence and ease when needed.

When you change your posture you also change the way you speak to yourself. Together we will create better muscle activation to help 20 years from now you, stand prouder and feel like your best self by changing your default postural settings.

Session: $165

Guided energetic work

This is the time to put the physical and postural aside to focus on what you need as a person. Emotional stress gets stored in the body. Using Hands on Reiki, Dr. Diana’s intuitive gifts and your spirit guides we will see what you need. Your body is the leader. One day we may need to do breathwork in silence, the next affirmations or empowering visualizations. Session: $140

Book a New Patient Session

Ready to start?!

Before getting treated, it is necessary to do a complete history and exam. In the examination, Dr. Diana Salazar will perform a detailed full body posture analysis, palpate muscle patterns, mobility and spinal assessment. From your jaw, elbow to lower back and feet, you will leave the exam knowing more about your body and which areas to focus on for pain free and preventative health. This examination is to educate you on your body as a whole and identify THE sources of musculoskeletal tension before the Chiropractic Treatment Session.

Full New Patient Session: $320 (Exam and Chiropractic Based Treatment)

Book a Complimentary Consultation

Not quite ready to book an exam? A consultation is the way that I can hear about your goals. Whether it’s to decrease pain, play a sport again or keep being as healthy as possible for your future self, the consultation allows me to see if I can help you.

It is completely complimentary! My goal is to listen and point you in the best direction whether that is with me or to refer you another practitioner.

After the consultation, we can then schedule a New Patient Exam to learn what you need and where to start.