Collaborating with Companies and Gyms

Dr. Diana works with Companies as a Postural Education Advocate.

By working on location at offices and gym, she is able to create convenience, build a team wellness experience and help each person learn “Movement Snacks” aka efficient simple ways to promote postural health and stress reduction with little to no equipment.

Desk Posture Ergonomics

Dr. Diana will look at your work station and not only change it to optimize your desk comfort but also do a seated posture analysis. After this individual evaluation, you will learn an exercise you need in order to sit and work with more ease.

This is a 1-on-1 option for those who feel their office set up is affecting their body and need help with specific ergonomics.

The length of service is 15 to 30 mins.

Complimentary phone consultation must be completed prior to in office visit.

Posture Event

This is a 30 min to 1 hour group education seminar. Dr. Diana will do a live Posture Analysis of multiple volunteers. She will identify the areas each person needs to activate more to improve musculoskeletal health and the entire group will do dynamic exercises together.

The goal is for the group to have fun learning about their body and to give each person exercises that they can easily incorporate into their life to reduce body strain while working and thrive in their workouts.

The group is limited to 25 people. Active wear is recommended.

Podcasting & Public Speaking

Dr. Diana Salazar is a first generation Latina and an author in the book “Women Living in Alignment”.

In the conversation, we can dive into science and/or spirituality.

Topics can range from: Aging well with movement, proactive protective health and how to take care of our energetic wellness by understanding how it blends with our physical health.

The mission is to educate people who wouldn’t be able to come into the NYC office and help each listener learn how to decipher what their body needs.

“Dr. Diana’s posture seminar was life changing. She inquired about our lifestyle to work against the bad habits we’ve created. It was incisive and thoughtful. She left us with tools to correct posture and find balance.”

—DJ Kim, patient