Frequently asked questions.

What is the New Patient process?

Step 1: Complimentary 20 mins consultation call. We get to know each other either via phone or in person where I can hear your goals and find out how I can help you. If your case is not one that my speciality can help, I will refer and point you in the best direction.

Step 2: Detailed examination including a full body posture analysis, range of motion, identifying the areas that lack healthy movement in the spine, muscles and extremities.

You’ll learn about your body from jaw to toe. The goal is to find the source of discomfort, tension and postural muscles that need more support.

Step 3: Get treated! Now that we know what your body needs and how to help it. We can use all the tools in our arsenal to get you moving better!


  • Consultation: Complimentary

  • One time New Patient Examination: $180

  • Chiropractic based treatment: $140

  • Posture Training: $165

  • Guided energy work: $140

Patients are welcome to do per visit session or Savings packages are available.

(We are an out of network cash based practice)

How long are sessions?

The most important part is doing as much as possible to help you work towards your goals therefore please allot 1 hour for a New Patient exam, 30-45 mins for Chiropractic treatment/ Postural Training/ Energetic Reiki Sessions.

What should I wear for my first appointment?

Wear layers so you can see your posture in the posture picture and clothes that you can move in. Your comfortability is the priority.

Where can I see Chiropractic videos?

Follow Dr. Diana on Instagram @chirointhecity. You’ll see adjustment videos, reviews, get to know her style of care and see how she can help you. We’ll see you soon!